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Camp By Diesel Living Collection.
Powerful ideas with textures transposed from textiles, either reworked or accurately reproduced. References to a military style for consumers who have known and loved the Diesel mood for a long time and are just longing to use it in their homes. Camp is canvas, sacking and tarpaulin combined with the glossy glazed surface of majolica ware - and the hard surfaces of stone.

  • Wall Sizes: 10 x 30
  • Floor Sizes: 60 x 30 | 60 x 60 | 120 x 20 | 120 x 30
  • Finishes: Natural | Lapped | Non-Slip | Matt | Glossy
Color Options

  • Army Canvas Black

  • Army Black Glaze

  • Army Black Rock

  • Army Canvas Grey

  • Army Grey Glaze

  • Army Grey Rock

  • Army Canvas Green

  • Army Green Glaze

  • Army Green Rock

  • Army Canvas White

  • Army White Glaze

  • Army White Rock

  • Army Canvas Blue

  • Army Blue Glaze

  • Army Blue Rock